
Hi there! I’m Monica, your private photo editor.

I’m a Miami based portrait photographer turned private photo editor. With a background in film photography & design, I started shooting portrait sessions and while editing those sessions, I realized editing is my favorite part of the creative process! I know many photographers dread editing, but I happen to love it!

I now spend my days working with other photographers helping them take back control of their schedules. Outsourcing your editing will help you grow your business to the next level, spend more time booking new clients, providing a better experience to them and finally, being able to enjoy life with your loved ones.

I’m excited about your success! My commitment is to emulate your signature style so you can take a respite from editing and focus and what matters the most to you; whether that is booking more clients or spend time doing what you love.

If you’re interested in outsourcing your editing, contact me. I’m here for you.